She is waiting for you [Elle t’attend]
in French with English surtitles
Director Matthew O’Sullivan
Producer Michael Bula
The production
Under the scorching Corsican sun, a woman is waiting for the man she loves and who is late to return. He went for a walk in the mountains. The hours pass and his absence become more and more worrying. Where is he? And why has he disappeared?
Sous la chaleur écrasante du soleil de Corse,une femme attend l’homme qu’elle aime etqui tarde à venir. Il est parti marcher dans lesmontagnes. Les heures passent, et sonabsence prend un sens de plus en plusinquiétant. Où est-il? Et pourquoi a-t-ildisparu?
Reviews & compliments
J’ai bien reçu le DVD, et je vous remercie mille fois pour cette attention. Je l’ai regardé avec beaucoup d’attention, et j’ai trouvé le spectacle, pour autant que l’on peut en juger à travers une captation, très réussi. Simple et émouvant. A très bientôt, j’espère,
Florian Zeller 21/05/2010
The play was superb. Felicitations!
Camille E. Dezarnaulds 01/09/2009
Congratulations for putting on yet another wonderful show. We thoroughly enjoyed Elle t’attend and so did everyone else that I spoke to on the night. What great performances the actors put in (including yourself). Well done all of you.
Felicity Cook 01/09/2009
Bravo pour la pièce, c’était super ! Merci de nous avoir invités.
Patricia Carroll, Honorary Consul General of France in Melbourne 31/08/2009
Last night I had the pleasure of seeing the current Melbourne French Theatre Production of ‘Elle t’attend’, in which Henry Méra plays the role of ‘Le père’. I’m pleased to report that I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and I congratulate Henry and MFT on the quality of the production. I would encourage you to see the show and to suggest it to your students as an invaluable opportunity for them to discover a contemporary French play and to experience a couple of hours of immersion in French in the very capable hands of the MFT players.
Andrew McGregor, Lecturer in French Studies, University of Melbourne [addressing his colleagues] 26/08/2009