SEASONS 2025 to 2028 and beyond

The following list is indicative only and not definite. It is subject to change at any time by amendment to this page and receipt of funding and grants. MFT usually stages its major production in August and sometimes a smaller production or rehearsed reading later in the year, budget/funding permitting. Consult our website before these months for details.




  • La Vertu en danger or The French Relapse by Voltaire and Vanbrugh a bilingual version  by Colin Duckworth to celebrate our 50 years!
  • Courtes LignesLe Petit Prince and Le Petit Nicolas running throughout the year for Schools

2028 and beyond

  • Baby Doll by Tennessee Williams
  • La Menteuse [She’s a liar!] by Jean-Jacques Bricaire et Maurice Lasaygues
  • Joyeuses Pâques de Jean Poiret
  • Courtes Lignes, Le Petit Prince and Le Petit Nicolas running throughout the year for Schools
  • Le Legs [The Legacy] and Money makes the world go round [Le Triomphe de Plutus] and Harlequin, Bachelor of Love [Arlequin poli par l’amour] and The Test [L’Epreuve] and Love in Disguise [Le Prince travesti] by Marivaux
  • Dormez, je le veux [reprise] by Feydeau
  • Le Légataire universel [The Heir Apparent] by Jean-François Regnard
  • The French Relapse – La vertu en danger adapted by the late Professor Colin Duckworth by Voltaire and Vanbrugh
  • Bella Figura by Yasmina Reza
  • Le Prénom by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patellière
  • Le Jugement de Paris by Bill Warnock
  • Les Bâtisseurs de l’Empire [The Empire Builders] by Boris Vian
  • La Dupe de lui-même [A curious incident] by Carlo Goldoni
  • Les Caprices de Marianne [Marianne’s fancies] by Alfred de Musset
  • Le retour imprévu [The surprise return] by Jean-François Regnard
  • Le Bourru Bienfaisant [Lord Gruff] by Carlo Goldoni
  • La Vraie Vie [The Real Thing] by Tom Stoppard
  • Art by Yasmina Reza
  • Les folies amoureuses – The Follies of Love by Jean-François Regnard