Cast Announced! – A Surprise for La Surprise de l’Amour – Lovestruck
Melbourne French Theatre is thrilled to announce the cast for its highly anticipated 2024 production of “A Surprise for La Surprise de l’Amour – Lovestruck.” Presented classically in the eras of the 1720s. The play, a charming and witty exploration of love and mores still relevant today, with live music.
Leading the cast is Veronique Duché as La Comtesse, a wealthy widow who has sworn off men. Lucie Sors will serve as the understudy and alternate for La Comtesse. Julien Raspail takes on the role of Lélio, a man who has similarly sworn off women, while Michel Bula plays his
Flagrant Délire Performances are Completed
MFT welcomed nearly 600 spectators to its last show from 22 to 26 August 2023 directed by Luca Romani and produced by Michael [Michel] Bula
The cast were:
Commissioner Navarin – Damien Kenny
Inspector Bordeli – Karim Bouriah-Lopez
Commissioner Ramirez – Paola Villanueva
Chief Commissioner Delatruffe – Ioanna Gagani
Baron de Casteljarnac (Franck) – Hector Lesay
Baronne de Casteljarnac (Margarita) – Olivia Bula
Le cadavre/cadaver – Léo Travé
Stay tuned for the next show in August 2024
School tours of Le Petit Prince, Le Petit Nicolas and Courteline continue throughout the year
Le mariage forcé cast announced
in French with English subtitles by MOLIERE
Celebrating the 400th anniversary of his birth – a celebration of the 4 arts:
Theatre – Dance – Music – Voice
Director/Metteur en scène Donald McManus
Producer/Producteur Michael Bula
CAST announced
SGANARELLE, a middle-aged bachelor – Donald McManus
GÉRONIMO, his friend – Michael [Michel] Bula
DORIMÈNE, his fiancée, young coquette promised to Sganarelle – Maya O’Farrell
ALCANTOR, her father – Richard Ryan
ALCIDAS, her brother – Celia Handscombe
LYCASTE, her lover – Karim Bouriah-Lopez
DEUX ÉGYPTIENS (dancers and singers) – Karim Bouriah-Lopez + Ayala Gopnik-McManus
PANCRACE, an Aristotelian philosopher – Dr. Hilary Gopnik MA,
Le mariage forcé auditions
in French with English subtitles by MOLIERE
Celebrating the 400th anniversary of his birth – a celebration of the 4 arts:
Theatre – Dance – Music – Voice
Director/Metteur en scène Donald McManus
Producer/Producteur Michael Bula
The production auditions
Register now for AUDITIONS – Sat 14 May 2022 at 2.00 pm and Tues 17 May 2022 at 7.00 pm
La Candidate
[LA CANDIDATE]by/de Jean Franco and/et Guillaume Mélanie in French with English subtitles translated by Michael Bula Director/Metteur en scène Donald McManus Producer/Producteur Michael Bula. The season ran from 7 – 11 December 2021. This is the sequel to Panique au Ministère presented in 2019. Its English version and that of the sequel were translated by Michael Bula.
The production
The show is the 106th production of Melbourne French Theatre Inc. (MFT) in its 44th year [1977 to 2021] founded by Michael Bula and A. David Gorrie at the University of Melbourne – a record for any
La Candidate finally in December 2021
The show is planned for 7 to 11 December 2021
with a change of 2 cast members and new venue – so look for details on the website in November 2021
La Candidate postponed to May 2021
Restrictions permitting, the show has been postponed to May 2021
Please support us coming out of the COVID-19 crisis and think of a donation which has caused us major economic loss – BOOKINGS may open later in February 2021
Gabrielle Bellecour-Garcia, former Chief of Staff of the Education Ministry
Sandra Desjardins
Louis Tesson, Former Minister of National Education
Richard Ryan
Cécile Bouquigny, Gabrielle’s mother, Minister of Youth and Sports
Dominique Croset
Samantha Kolaski, Secretary to the President of
La Candidate postponed to 14 to 17 October 2020
Restrictions permitting, the show has been postponed to October 2020
Please support us coming out of the COVID-19 crisis which has caused us major economic loss – BOOKINGS will open later in the year
Gabrielle Bellecour-Garcia, former Chief of Staff of the Education Ministry
Sandra Desjardins
Louis Tesson, Former Minister of National Education
Richard Ryan
Cécile Bouquigny, Gabrielle’s mother, Minister of Youth and Sports
Dominique Croset
Samantha Kolaski, Secretary to the President of the Republic
Ingrid Selmersheim
Cast announced for La Candidate May 2020
13 to 16 May 2020 – BOOKINGS received already – BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment
Gabrielle Bellecour-Garcia, former Chief of Staff of the Education Ministry
Sandra Desjardins
Louis Tesson, Former Minister of National Education
Richard Ryan
Cécile Bouquigny, Gabrielle’s mother, Minister of Youth and Sports
Dominique Croset
Samantha Kolaski, Secretary to the President of the Republic
Ingrid Selmersheim
Sara Bellecour-Tesson, Gabrielle’s daughter
Christina Arampatzi
Éric Garcia, the Ministry’s Media and Campaign Manager
Alexis Renou
Auditions in February 2020 for the new show in May 2020
16 + 18 February 2019 APPLY NOW
Panique au Ministère starts as soon as Weds 1 May 2019!
Panic at the Ministry of Education! The Education Minister wants to enforce mandatory school uniforms and the students are revolting. Meanwhile, the Minister’s trusted chief of staff Gabrielle, a dynamic career woman, is contending with a troublesome daughter who wants her independence but has no means of income and an impossible hippy mother who sets Gaby up with dates. Gaby concentrates all her energy on her job and to save her boss from every sticky political and scandal-plagued situation. Don’t miss this clever piece, exquisitely timed for Macron’s Gilets Jaunes France!