Exit the King
[Le Roi se meurt]by Eugène Ionesco
in French with English surtitlesBox
Director Marco Romero Rodriguez
Producer Michael Bula
The production
The season ran from 1 to 12 September 2015.
This is the 98th production of Melbourne French Theatre Inc. (MFT) in 38 years [1977 to 2015] since its foundation in 1977 by Michael Bula and A. David Gorrie at the University of Melbourne. The show runs for approximately 70 minutes without interval. The play was first performed under the direction of the late Emeritus Professor Colin Duckworth in 1980 in the Open Stage theatre, Melbourne University.
The cast
Marc Buret – Le Roi
Jo Rittey – Reine Marguerite
Julie David – Reine Marie
Fabrice Chatain – Docteur
Catherine Blanchy – Juliette
Thomas Villani – Le Garde
Reviews & compliments
What an excellent production. My grandson and his friend thoroughly enjoyed it too . Their first venture into Theatre Of the Absurd I like your little theatre, reminds me of The Stork Pub theatre, now alas pulled down.
Mary 13/92015
Bonsoir Michel, juste pour te dire toutes nos félicitations pour cette merveilleuse pièce de théâtre hier soir, on s’est vraiment régalés et merci de nous avoir donné cette belle place sur le canapé c’était très gentil mais on s’est vraiment régalés et je vous félicite, c’est vraiment très très très bien, donc bravo! Bonne chance et à la prochaine fois.
Dominique 10/9/2015
BRAVO, je crois que c’était la meilleure pièce que j’ai vue au Mft jusqu’à présent ! Amitiés
Nathalie 11/9/2015
What a wonderfully innovative, hilarious production of this great play and with all of the pathos of the human condition. I just love the play and it has lost none of its relevance since it was written. The entire cast was superb and created their singular characters with clarity and nuance. Rather like planets circling a sun – separate but part of the whole. The Guard gave one of the most physically engaging performances that I’ve seen on stage. All credit to the director, the creative lighting and marvellous choice of music. Also to the young man operating the surtitres. Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful, intimate theatre space and for the great pleasure I still have in my head from seeing this production. My friend Kerri was thrilled that she attended and also loved the evening. Congratulations !
Anne 9/9/2015
‘Le Roi se meurt’ était formidable! On a beaucoup apprécié la pièce et la direction de Marco Romero Rodriguez, et les comédiens étaient super aussi. Alors, félicitations! Je hâte de voir la prochaine pièce de MFT! C’était aussi un plaisir de vous voir aussi et je suis en admiration pour tous que vous faites pour la communauté francophile et théâtrale à Melbourne.
Lara 7/9/2015