Absent friends
[Mariages et Conséquences]Director Matthew O’Sullivan
Producer Michael Bula
The production
Clément’s friends are determined tocomfort him in his grief over the death ofhis fiancée – a girl they have never met.They arrange a tea-party for him and areunderstandably on edge wondering what tosay to him as they await his arrival. Theirunease, however, has deeper roots as theyare all kept together by a mixture ofbusiness and cross-marital emotional tiesand by the time Clément arrives, theirtension contrasts dramatically with hischeerfully relaxed air. The stage is set for amodern light comedy of manners thatquickly turns into a dark comedy of very bad manners.
Reviews & compliments
I recently attended a performance of Mariages et Conséquences, and was inspired to get involved with MFT in some way. I am currently studying a Double Masters of Translation Studies (Monash University/Université Jean Moulin, Lyon III) and am very interested in putting my translation skills (from French to English) to good use. I have been studying French for 10 years now and have spent about two years total working and studying in France since 2007. If you have any volunteer/work experience openings please let me know as I would love to contribute something to this wonderful theatre company. Merci d’avance, Anna
Anna Pitt 26/08/2011